Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why Being Sick with Syringomyelia Sucks

I have caught some sort of sinus thing this weekend and I have become a little nervous about the affects it might have on my syringomyelia. The research and doctors have continued to point toward the affect excessive coughing might have on my syrinx (cyst). My cyst is already pretty long but it has not grown substantially according to my most recent MRI. I pray that this weekend’s illness will not cause any increase in my symptoms. I’ve really been trying to hold my cough in so that I don’t increase the size of my syrinx.

So far the headaches have increased a bit but I believe maybe that is because of the sinus pressure. I haven’t had much numbness lately and my twitching has been a little less prominent. I am grateful for those things!

I wanted to show you what would occur if I were to have the surgery with a shunt placement. I have been searching for this for some time now and I have not been able to get a better image than this, but I’ll keep looking so that you can see what might happen to me in the future. This one is representative of what it would look like if my syrinx would grow a bit longer. Since my syrinx ends at the T5 it has a little bit to go before I can be a good candidate for this surgery. Unfortunately, if it grows, it means that I will be likely to suffer from more symptoms and damage in my nerves and spinal cord.

I hope this helped to give you an idea of some of my fears from this past week and my fears for the future.

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